European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) Member Foreign and Commonwealth Office of UK Government

18th February, 2015

Letter of Notice holding EESC member Richard Adams personally accountable for betraying public trust by ignoring evidence on the hazards of RF/EMF.

The Radiation Research Trust is calling for Mr Adams’s appointment or re-appointment as a member of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) to be terminated due to his serious breach of duty and faith as a member of the EESC.

The Radiation Research Trust also calls for the annulment of the EESC counter-opinion and for the original opinion to be reconsidered.

This letter of notice is issued by the UK Radiation Research Trust in support of millions of peopleestimated to be between 22,000,000 and 37,000,000 throughout Europewho are currently suffering with electromagnetic hypersensitivity due to exposure to the proliferation of mobile phones, DECT cordless phones, cordless baby monitors, phone masts, WiFi, smart meters and the smart grid.

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