For Distribution:

March 7, 2011.  During the past year I have become increasingly interested in the effects of microwave radiation on the heart.  This interest is based on a number of observations.
Some people who are electrically sensitive complain that they have a rapid or irregular heart beat and feel chest pressure or pain (Eltiti, 2007).  We conducted a “proof of concept” study to determine if we could measure heart rate changes caused by microwave radiation with real-time monitoring.  We found that some individuals developed a rapid or an irregular heart beat when exposed to pulsed microwaves (from a cordless phone base station) at levels considered safe by the WHO, FCC, and Health Canada (Havas et al. 2010).

During the past year I have heard stories that children who attend schools with WiFi are complaining of a racing heart while in school.  Two of these students in the Barrie area (Canada) were given heart monitors to wear and one young girl was scheduled for heart surgery because her cardiologist couldn’t figure out what was wrong.  Her parents postponed the operation, removed the WiFi in their home, and her symptoms did not return during the summer when she wasn’t attending school.

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