$25 million study finds cell phone radiation causes cancer in rats
Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity
Mobile phones
EM Radiation Research Trust Conference Presentations
EMF Health Effects, All About 5G - Prof Martin Pall Mobile phones, wireless communication and health – the Evidence - Prof Lennart Hardell National Toxicology…
Smartymeter Infographic and Action Pack
Say no to smart meters EM Radiation Research Trust Infographic 'Smartymeter,' click on the links within the cartoon for information. NB. The Smartymeter infographic contains artistic…
EM Radiation Research Trust Conferences, Interviews and Seminars
EM Radiation Research Trust Conferences, Interviews and Seminars September 2024 Eileen O'Connor's Powerpoint presentation for The Great Resist Event: https://www.radiationresearch.org/news/5g-and-the-fourth-industrial-revolution-the-great-resist-event/ 8th August 2024: Eileen O’Connor, Director EM…
MYTH: 5G is safe
We are a registered charity aiming to provide facts about electromagnetic radiation and the adverse risks it has on our health and the environment. Our…