Why ‘Smart’ Wireless Means We Are Dying Younger in Poorer Health and Endangering the Wellbeing of Our Children. The Diary of an Electrosensitive…
Bob Moran talks about 5G and how turning off WiFi at home "cured" his daughter from having regular epileptic seizures. Talk about 5G from around…
'DEAR DR. FOX: One often-overlooked cause of tachycardia (rapid heart rate) in animals, as well as of other heart arrhythmias and high blood pressure, is…
Anthony B. Miller, MD, FRCP, CM. Professor Emeritus, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada Cancer Researcher States that $25 Million NIH Study…
Other Countries Are Taking the Health Risks of 5G and Wireless Radiation Seriously. Why Isn’t the U.K.?by Gillian Jamieson 29 October 2024 'Momentum is building in the…
Joel M. Moskowitz, Ph.D. Director Center for Family and Community Health School of Public Health University of California, Berkeley Wednesday, October 23, 2024 Effects of…
Children absorb up to 10x more wireless radiation in the bone marrow of the skull compared to adults
Non-ionizing Radiation, Part 2: Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans Volume 102 2013 'Exposure of the bone marrow…
Multifocal Breast Cancer in Young Women with Prolonged Contact between Their Breasts and Their Cellular Phones John G. West, Nimmi S. Kapoor, Shu-Yuan Liao, June W. Chen, Lisa Bailey, Robert…
October 5, 2024 The Effects of Pulsed Microwaves and Extra Low Frequency Electromagnetic Waves on Human Brains? Governments Routinely “Classify Information” Pertaining to the Manipulation…
EM Radiation Research Trust (RRT) Director Eileen O'Connor and RRT Chairman Mr Brian Stein CBE Photograph taken on 26th September 2024 Both Eileen OConnor and…