Letter of Objection against 5G phone mast 

Ref: Planning Application –  2023/07389/PA

Site Address: Concorde House Union Drive Sutton Coldfield Birmingham B73 5TE

Application for a prior notification for the installation of 22.5m high telecommunications mast with associated 12no. antennas, 2no. dishes, 7 no. equipment cabinets and ancillary development works

I am the Co-founder and Charity Director for the EM Radiation Research Trust from 2003 to date:www.radiationresearch.org ,  Co-founder and Board member for the International EMF Alliance 2009 to date: www.iemfa.org.  I was previously a member of the European Commission Stakeholder Dialogue Group on EMF from 2011 – 2014 and a member of the UK Health Protection Agency, Radiation Protection Division EMF Discussion Group from 2006-2008 Chaired by the previous Health Protection Agency Chairman Sir William Steward.  I was a Co-founder and Chair for (SCRAM) Seriously Concerned Residents against Masts. 2002 – 2005.

Objection from the EM Radiation Research Trust for the following reasons:

There is no ICNIRP certificate with this application?

 We realise that the ICNIRP guidelines are irrelevant with regards to protecting public health from biological effects and long-term exposure. However, we fully appreciate the importance with regards to industry signing the ICNIRP certificate and therefore taking responsibility for potential future claims.

The application is within a heavily populated area with businesses and residences, and near Lighthouse Childcare Pre-school and St Nicholas Catholic Primary School. Sutton Coldfield and Birmingham City Council should safeguard health as per section 2B of the National Health Service Act 2006.  They are not doing this by allowing phone masts.

Cornerstone quote the Stewart Report, they state that they adhere to the Stewart report and ICNIRP recommendations.  They fail to mention concerns raised directly from the head of this very report Sir William Stewart.  He presented at the EM Radiation Research Trust 2008 conference in London. From Sir William Stewart’s presentation “There are additional factors that need to be taken into account in assessing any possible health effects. Populations as a whole are not genetically homogeneous and people can vary in their susceptibility to environmental hazards. There are well established examples in the literature of the genetic predisposition of some groups, which could influence sensitivity to disease. There could also be a dependence on age. We conclude therefore that it is not possible at present to say that exposure to RF radiation, even at levels below national guidelines, is totally without potential adverse health effects, and that gaps in knowledge are sufficient to justify a precautionary approach.” https://www.radiationresearch.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/010920_stewart.pdf

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