The EM Radiation Research Trust would like to thank Preet Gill MP for sending a letter to the Secretary of State regarding the phone mast on War Lane, Harborne, Birmingham calling for the Local Authorities to have more power in the planning process.

Here is the collection of letters of complaint from the EM Radiation Research Trust sent to Birmingham City Council, MPs, Councillors, and public officials:

The Planning Inspectorate recently responded to the EM Radiation Research Trust saying they will investigate our complaint. We therefore hope that the mast will be removed following a full investigation with support from Preet Gill MP, local residents and campaigners who are working towards achieving this goal.

We call on all MP’s to join The Rt Hon Preet Gill and demand that local councils are given greater powers to determine the location of telecom masts rather than telecom and government inspectors.

The EM Radiation Research Trust also calls for health to be taken into consideration. Research that has shown significant adverse health effects for people living near masts that emit radiofrequency radiation.

See Tweet by Preet Kaur Gill MP and copy of letter.

“Many constituents have contacted me about a 20m 5G mast in War Lane, Harborne.

They objected, I objected, and the Council rejected the application. But the mast has gone up regardless.

I asked the Govt why LAs don’t have powers to decide where these masts are placed 👇🏽