For the attention of: The Planning Inspectorate

Letter of Objection against 5G phone mast

Reference PP/M4320/W/23/3320488

 Site address: DC/2023/01871 Victoria Park,  Park View, Waterloo Liverpool L22 2AP

Ref: Planning Application – DC/2023/01871

Application for: 25m high climbable monopole, 1No. circular headframe to support 6 antennas and 4 dishes + 4 cabinets enclosed by 2.5m high mesh panel fence with shark tooth spikes.

I am the Co-founder and Charity Director for the EM Radiation Research Trust from 2003 to ,  Co-founder and Board member for the International EMF Alliance 2009 to date:  I was previously a member of the European Commission Stakeholder Dialogue Group on EMF from 2011 – 2014 and a member of the UK Health Protection Agency, Radiation Protection Division EMF Discussion Group from 2006-2008 Chaired by the previous Health Protection Agency Chairman Sir William Stewart.  I was a Co-founder and Chair for (SCRAM) Seriously Concerned Residents against Masts. 2002 – 2005.

The EM Radiation Research Trust is currently supporting concerned citizens in Birmingham to object against a phone mast that was overturned by the Planning Inspectorate and has now gone up despite objections from residents, Preet Gill MP, and Birmingham City Council.  The decision may even be unlawful due to the Planning Inspectorate accepting an ICNIRP certificate containing details of a company that no longer exists.  We have called for a full investigation. The Planning Inspectorate responded on 20th November saying they will investigate the EM Radiation Research Trust (RRT) complaint in accordance with Complaints Procedures. Birmingham City Council are also investigating the RRT complaint which is at stage one.  This matter has also been reported to the police.

Please read the collection of letters of complaint sent to the Planning Inspectorate, Preet Gill MP and Ministers responsible for the Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities sent on behalf of the EM Radiation Research Trust dated 8th, 9th and 15th November:

Preet Gill MP thankfully sent a letter to the Secretary of State regarding the phone mast on War Lane, Harborne, Birmingham calling for the Local Authorities to have more power in the planning process.  Tweet by Preet Kaur Gill MP: “Many constituents have contacted me about a 20m 5G mast in War Lane, Harborne. They objected, I objected, and the Council rejected the application. But the mast has gone up regardless. I asked the Govt why LAs don’t have powers to decide where these masts are placed ”

We are facing a similar situation in Waterloo with residents objecting against the 5G mast application and the local council refusing planning permission.  We call on the Planning Inspectorate to take objections from residents and the local authority into high priority when considering the appeal by industry calling for the Inspectorate to overturn Sefton council’s decision to reject the 5G mast application.

Continue reading download letter in full here: Objection to Planning Inspectorate against 5G Victoria Park Park View Waterloo Liverpool L22 2AP