Well done to everyone who objected.

Application no:  https://pa.sefton.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?keyVal=S29XP9NWIBT00&activeTab=summary

Here is a copy of the objection sent on behalf of the EM Radiation Research Trust

Phone mast objection from Mrs Eileen OConnor Director at the EM Radiation Research Trust  submitted  to Sefton Council and local councillors. Phone mast objection – Grass Verge Adjacent To Bell’s Healthcare Slaidburn Crescent Southport

Sent via Email sent to Councillor’s.

Cllr Mike Morris morris.appledell@gmail.com

Cllr Sinclair D’Alburquerque Sinclair.Dalbuquerque@sefton.gov.uk

20th October 2023

Dear Councillors Mike Morris and Sinclair D’Albuquerque,

The EM Radiation Research Trust charity received a call for help and support from residents who live near the phone mast prior notification for installation of a new 20m monopole with 6 apertures mounted at 18.65m, 4 dishes at 14.65m, the installation of 5 cabinets and ancillary apparatus next to Bell’s Healthcare Slaidburn Crescent, Southport.

Link to online application:  https://pa.sefton.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?keyVal=S29XP9NWIBT00&activeTab=summary

The following objection has been submitted to planning.

It is common knowledge, and supported by peer reviewed evidence that phone mast radiation and the ICNIRP guidelines raise health & safety concerns, as follows;

  • • Not suitable for those suffering with Electrosensitivity.
  • •  ICNIRP based on thermally heating effects only.
  • •  Masts emit pulsed microwave radiation.
  • •  RF/microwave radiation is recognised as a class 2B carcinogen by the WHO.
  • •  Are fire hazards due to electrical faults.
  • •  Can disrupt and disable medical devices such as pacemakers. (Outside scope of ICNIRP guidelines.)
  • •  ICNIRP conflicts of interest stated by a judgement at the Turin Court of Appeal.
  • •  ICNIRP’s guidelines are based on studies from the 1980’s involving 40–60-minute exposures in 5 monkeys and 8 rats.
    • •  Paolo Vecchia, ICNIRP Chair from 2004 until 2012 said “the ICNIRP guidelines are neither mandatory prescriptions for safety,the “ last word” on the issue nor are they defensive walls for Industry or others.”

The case of Yasmin Skelt vs Secretary of State (John Prescott) and Three Bridges District Council and Orange (2003), made it clear that it is not acceptable for local planners to accept an ICNIRP certificate according to a High Court Judge who highlighted “failure to adequately consider the weight to be given to the health concerns of the claimant in his decision letter.” The First Secretary of State offered to concede the case and to pay reasonable costs.

A report prepared by solicitor Jessica Learmond Criqui raises concerns regarding personal liability for councillors about the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation.  “There are essentially two ways in which personal liability to you could arise if you disregard and do not act on this:  (a) You sit on committees and one of them has been: (i) planning matters permitting masts and antennae to be approved; (ii) making decisions about health, safety and wellbeing matters; (b) misfeasance or misconduct in public office.” https://www.radiationresearch.org/articles/how-could-personal-liability-arise-for-a-councillor/

Visit the EM Radiation Research Trust website for references and more information.

Eileen O’Connor

Charity Director for the EM Radiation Research Trust

Website address: https://www.radiationresearch.org/

Email: eileen@radiationresearch.org

Address: Chairman Mr. Brian Stein CBE, Radiation Research Trust Chetwode House, Leicester Road Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire LE13 1GA