This year once again, International Day against Electromagnetic Pollution was marked on 24 June. Both the European Parliament (in 2008 and 2009) and other bodies — such as the European Environment Agency (from 2007 to the present) and the Parliamentar
In the European Economic and Social Committee, however, lobbies have boycotted an opinion based on a precautionary approach that sought to protect people’s health and that contained demands and warnings similar to those previously set out in the above resolutions, with a basic recognition of the rights of electrosensitive people. This matter is currently being investigated by the Ombudsman in relation to a possible conflict of interest. At the same time, scientific committees such as the SCENIHR clearly lack independence and neutrality.
Will the Commission take steps to end this boycott and find a solution to the lack of protection and vulnerability of children in the face of the growing use of wireless technologies in schools?
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