Are EHS numbers increasing? An Austrian telephone study of a cross section of 526 people by Schroettner & Leitgeb (2008), showed that an increasing number of people suffer from non-specific health symptoms such as headaches, sleep disturbances, difficulties in concentrating etc and attribute their ill health to electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) and electromagnetic pollution. It showed an EHS prevalence of 3.5% compared with 2% estimated in 1994. A UK survey by Stacy Elititi In 2006 Bioelectromagnetics, aimed at a randomly selected group of 20,000 people found a prevalence of 4% for symptoms attributed to electromagnetic exposure.
Currently it is estimated that between 2.5% – 8% of the population could be suffering with a condition known as Electrosensitivity (ES). In Sweden, Electrosensitivity is officially regarded as a ‘Functional Impairment’. ES victims are often unable to use their talents and capabilities to earn a living through denial of access to transport and places most people take for granted. With other forms of disability, society has taken the view that such a situation is unacceptable and legislated to ensure equal access and equal opportunities.
UK Doctors are not trained to recognise electrosensitivity and could be misdiagnosing patients and treating them with medication for conditions such as headaches, tinnitus, dizziness, memory deficits, irregular heart beat, sleep problems and depression etc.
There is a critical need to improve communication of the potential impact of electro-magnetic effects on the physical health of our society.
- The RRT would like to raise funds to carry out independent EHS research working with Russian National Committee on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection to adopt the protocol for diagnostics and therapy for people suffering with EHS. The Protocol takes into account the individual conditions and sensitivity of each person.
- Call for protection and human rights for people suffering with electrosensitivity in line with Sweden’s recognition of people who suffer EHS which falls within a proper definition of disability, therefore the condition is officially recognised as a functional impairment. When being in contact with EMF sources which can include mobile phones, wifi and phone masts. Call to protect vulnerable members of society following the UN 22 Standard Rules on equal opportunities for people with disabilities.